Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual

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  1. Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual Pdf
  2. Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual 2017
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The Axe-Fx III is the latest in our line of all-in-one processors for guitar, bass, and other instruments. This new model offers our latest ARES amp modeling technology, thousands of UltraRes speaker cab simulations, and state-of-the-art effect algorithms, with more raw power than ever before. Axe-Fx II Mark II - EtherCON port for connecting MFC-101. 60 or 80mm fan Axe-Fx II XL - As above, but upgraded as noted: memory Increase to 768 presets, 500 User Cab Slots, EtherCON and FASLINK connectors, optical main encoder, dedicated MIDI THRU, lower noise floor, 80mm fan. Nov 28, 2019  hi, we had a excel sheet for axe fx 2 sysex messages, (delay block tempo/subdivisions) can we have also have 1 for the 3. It would come soooo handy for people owning controllers which can send sysex messages. For delay tempo divisions, hold functions, amp. M@'s comments about effects in the FX8. 'First: like the Axe-Fx, the FX8 provides more than models when it comes to effects. It is more like a platform that can be used to innovate as well as imitate. Therefore, a list of effects on the FX8 is limited only in terms of what happens to be provided 'in the box'.

Mar 03, 2015  Staring tomorrow we will begin selling the Axe-Fx II XL Plus. This is a minor revision of the existing XL. Everyone on the XL waiting list will receive XL Pluses. The price is the same. The main difference between the XL and the XL Plus is the LCD. The controller chip for the LCD was EOL so we had to design a new LCD. 'Velvet Sun 2' - Free Sample Preset From My 'Clean To Mean' Pack #2 - 'Axe-Fx II' - Updated for Q10.01 $0.00.This website is NOT affiliated with, funded by, or in any way associated with Fractal Audio Systems™ or Line 6™. Note that the Axe-Fx uses negative logic for the bypass state. A controller value of zero bypasses the effect and non-zero the effect is active. So if the controller value equals zero, effect off, controller value greater than zero, effect on. Page 24 Getting Set Up Internally the Axe-Fx stores a state for the pedal.

“This thing is the greatest inventionever for electric guitarists,” DweezilZappa told Premier Guitar at last year’sLA Amp Show as he gushed over FractalAudio’s new Axe-Fx II—the company’s followup to the very successful Standard andUltra models. While such a bold statementmight raise eyebrows among those numbedby marketing hyperbole, no one couldargue that the Axe-Fx II isn’t an extraordinarilypowerful signal processing system.It’s so capable that big bands like Deftones,Megadeth, and Animals as Leaders have forsakenmassive rigs for a lone Axe-Fx II, andguitar gods like Steve Vai and John Petrucciintegrated the units into existing rigs. Andremember—these are players who canafford to have roadies carry backbreakingtowers of gear, and yet they’re so enamoredwith the Axe-Fx II that they opt to leavethe heavy stuff at home.

In the simplest terms, the Axe-Fx II is arack mountable preamp and effects processor.But that description barely scratchesthe surface of what this thing does. Whatmakes the Axe-Fx II remarkable is that it’spowerful enough to replace a lot of traditionalamp/effects/cab setups. It’s a majorimprovement on the already impressiveprevious Axe-Fx models on many counts,as well. Two TigerSHARC processors(versus the Standard’s and Ultra’s singleprocessor) run the new G2 modelingtechnology, which generates twice theprocessing power of its predecessors andimproves sound quality. In fact, one CPUis dedicated entirely to processing the ampsounds. Other upgrades include a largerLCD display and a quick-control sectionwith X and Y buttons for channel switchingand four knobs for editing multipleparameters on a single screen. There’s alsoa USB 2.0 jack for computer connectivity,which makes the Axe-Fx II a seriousaudio/MIDI interface with capabilitieslike re-amping and recording.

A Handle on the Axe
The Axe-Fx II is so feature packed we couldn’tpossibly discuss it all here. If you’ve avoidedmulti-effects units because of their inherentnavigational challenges, I’m not going to lie toyou, the Axe-Fx II is even more complex thanmost. But expecting a simple plug-and-playexperience would be naïve, and there’s just noway that a piece of gear that many regard asthe ultimate guitar processor is going to be asuser-friendly as a Tube Screamer. But if youput the time into learning how the systemworks, you’ll find there aren’t many sonicstones the Axe-Fx II leaves unturned. Andthe hours you spend climbing the unit’s steeplearning curve very well may reward you withevery tone that has ever eluded you.

Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual Pdf

Navigating the unit’s myriad optionsinvolves moving through a lot of submenusand scrolling screens—and they all takepractice and time to get to know. Still, Iwas eager to see how easily I could extractsounds without consulting or printing outthe 178-page PDF manual. But withoutdirection even some very basic functions—such as tuning—can be tricky. For example,pressing the tuner button led to a familiar-enoughreadout, but I had to consult themanual to discover that the recall buttongets you back to normal mode. That said,if you want to ease into the manual, a veryhandy 60-second edit guide helps you takeyour first steps. And a free software editor/librarian makes everything easier to navigateand use on a computer if you’re accustomedto software instruments and plugins.

After investing some time in manualresearch, things got easier. You scroll throughpresets using the big value knob next to thescreen, and the four navigation buttons nextto it move through the presets either one ata time (up and down) or in increments of10 (left and right), which is handy if youwant to go from, say, preset 4 to 54 in a jiffy.Chances are, though, you’ll want Fractal’soptional MFC-101 foot controller whenyou’ve got this many options to choose from.

Each of the 384 editable presets representsa complete signal path of amp, effect, andcab. Pressing the layout button takes you toa screen that displays everything in the signalpath from left to right, as blocks on a grid.You can change or rearrange components onthe grid, such as amps, cabs, or effects, andwire things up in any order or arrangementthat suits you. The edit button then enablesyou to open block menus and set the desiredparameters for each component. Once youhave that process down, operating the Axe-Fx II becomes much more fluid.

Super Models
I tested the Axe-Fx II with a variety of guitars,including a Gibson Les Paul Standard,Fender Strat, Ernie Ball Music Man AxisSport, and Parker Fly Deluxe, as well as aMesa/Boogie 2:90 power amp and a QSCK8 powered PA speaker.

You can explore models of plenty ofpopular amps—including a Fender DeluxeReverb, a Marshall plexi, a Mesa/BoogieDual Rectifier, a Dumble Overdrive Special,and a Peavey 5150—but there are lessmainstream amps, too, like the CameronCCV 100 and Carol-Ann OD2, as well asoriginal Fractal creations. There are also lotsof presets based on classic guitar songs, like“People Get Ready,” “Still Got the Blues,”“Cliffs of Dover,” and “Sultans of Swing”(to name just a few), as well as wackysounds that have to be heard to be believed.These include “A Clockwork Banana,”“Intrigue [C Minor],” and “Horror Movie.”

I decided to start out by cranking theAxe-Fx II ’s Deluxe Reverb model and comparingit, back-to-back, to my own blackfaceFender Deluxe Reverb. In all honesty, ithad me doing double takes—the sound wasvirtually identical. The trademark Fendersparkle, tube warmth, and sweet breakupwere all audible in the modeled version.More importantly, the feel and dynamicswere very amp-like. And a big plus with theAxe-Fx II version over the real amp is thatyou can very easily run it through differentvirtual cabs—say, a model of a CelestionGold-equipped 2x12 or a 1x8 tweed—toget totally different flavors from the sameamp without fretting over ohms or fillingyour garage with cabinets of every size.

Clearly, the Fractal guys took everythinginto account when embarking on their missionto create realistic models—even amplifierattributes some might consider less thanoptimal. The Recto Orange, for instance,had as much noise at idle as the orangechannel on my Mesa/Boogie Tremoverb. Butother high-gain models such as the Solo100Lead, based on a Soldano SLO-100’s leadchannel, were dead quiet. This not only ledme to believe the Orange Recto fizz was adeliberate recreation, but it also lent credenceto Fractal’s claim that the new G2 andVirtual Vacuum Tube technology “modelsthe entire power amp including the tubes,transformers, choke, filter caps and more.”

The Axe-Fx II’s other patches were greatjumping-off points, too. I tried the “Eruption”patch using my Music Man guitar, comparingit to Eddie’s original, and while a fewother variables obviously came into play—notthe least being the fact that I’m not actuallyEVH—the Axe-Fx II patch was superb:slightly darker and with less presence than youhear in the recorded version, but an excellentlaunching pad with the feel and reactivity necessaryto explore the nuances of Eddie’s style.


Exceptional sound quality and a trueamp-like feel in a self-contained unit.

Steep learning curve.


Ease of Use:




Fractal Audio

Tone Clone
If you have a sound that you’ve always wantedto recreate exactly using your favoriteguitar, or if you want to add the sound of anew amp to the Axe-Fx II ’s library, there’san ultra-cool feature called tone matching.It lets you input an isolated signal—it canbe an audio file or a live amp—and samplethe tonal characteristics. If you’re trying tomatch a recorded sound you’ll want to startwith an Axe-Fx II preset that’s close to thesignal you’re sending. But once you’re inthe ballpark, the tone-matching feature frequency-plots the reference signal alongsidethe local (tone-matched) signal so you cancompare and match the two.

The Verdict
If anything can bring the rack back invogue, the Axe-Fx II will be the thing todo it. It’s a complete, self-contained unitthat does just about everything an amp-effect-cab setup can do (minus actuallyoutputting the sound for the masses), andit pretty much avoids the Achilles heel thathas long plagued many products of thistype—it offers the organic element of touchdynamics. There is some serious number-crunchingpower in the Axe-Fx II, and itadds up to a wealth of tones that wouldtake a whole studio space—and a wholelot of material resources most of us don’thave—to put together.

At almost $2,200, the Axe-Fx II is obviouslystill a significant investment, but theprice of just one of the complete virtualrigs it affords would most likely cost muchmore. Even if you just used the Axe-Fx IIfor its effects, you’d have a phenomenal-soundingand almost limitless effects paletteat your disposal. If there’s a downside to theAxe-Fx II, it’s more aesthetic than practical—something about the typical guitarist’spsyche just digs having a rad-looking ampnext to them onstage. This unit certainlydoesn’t have the visual allure of a road-beatenFender tweed or vintage Marshall,but what it offers practical and adventurousplayers alike in terms of sonic potential ishard to put a price on.

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Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual

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Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual 2017

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Axe Effects 2 Xl User Manual 2016


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