Dab E Sybox Mini User Manual

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  4. Dab E Sybox Mini Manual

GB ENGLISH 9.4.8 - Assigning the starting order When the intervention of the anti-stagnation algorithm is over, if the Each time the system is switched on a starting order is associated with device is configured as reserve, it is returned to minimum priority to each device. Depending on this, the sequential starts of the devices are preserve it from wear. decided. The starting order is modified during use as necessary by the following 9.4.11 - Reserves and number of devices that participate in pumping two algorithms: The multipump system reads how many elements are connected in com- munication and calls this number N. • Reaching the maximum work time • Reaching the maximum inactivity time Then depending on the parameters NA and NC it decides how many and which devices must work at a certain time. 9.4.9 - Maximum work time Depending on the parameter ET (maximum work time), each device NA represents the number of devices that participate in pumping. NC rep- has a working time counter, and depending on this the starting order is resents the maximum number of devices that can work at the same time. updated with the following algorithm: If there are NA active devices in a chain and NC simultaneous devices - if at least half of the ET value has been exceeded, the priority with NC smaller than NA, it means that at the most NC devices will start is exchanged the first time the inverter switches off (exchange at the same time and that these devices will exchange with NA elements. to standby). If a device is configured with reserve preference, it will be the last in the - if the ET value is reached without ever stopping, the inverter is starting order, so for example if I have 3 devices and one of these is con- switched off unconditionally and is taken to minimum restarting figured as reserve, the reserve will be the third element to start, whereas priority (exchange during running). if I set NA=2 the reserve will not start unless one of the two active ones develops a fault. If the parameter ET (maximum work time) is set at 0, there is an exchange at each restart. See also the explanation of the parameters See 7.7.4 - ET: Exchange time. 7.7.1 - NA: Active devices; 7.7.2 NC: Simultaneous devices; 9.4.10 - Reaching the maximum inactivity time 7.7.3 IC: Configuration of the reserve. The multipump system has an anti-stagnation algorithm, the aim of which is to keep the pumps in perfect working order and to maintain the integrity of the pumped fluid. It works by allowing a rotation in the pumping order so as to make all the pumps supply at least one minute of flow every 23 hours. This happens whatever the device configuration (enabled or reserve). The exchange of priority requires that the device that has been stopped for 23 hours be given maximum priority in the starting order. This means that as soon as it is necessary to supply flow, it will be the first to start. The devices configured as reserve have precedence over the oth-106 ers. The algorithm ends its action when the device has supplied at least one minute of flow.

In the DAB catalogue there is a Kit for the integrated creation of a booster ENGLISH GBset of 2 systems. The booster made with the DAB kit appears as in Fig.23 10. MAINTENANCE Figura 23 Disconnect the power supply before starting any work on the9.4.12 - Wireless Control system.As described in par. 9.4.3, the device can be connected to other devicesby means of the proprietary wireless channel. There is therefore the pos- The system requires no routine maintenance operations.sibility of controlling particular operations of the system through signalsreceived in remote mode: for example, depending on a tank level sup- However, below are the instructions for performing the special mainte-plied by a float it is possible to order it to be filled; with the signal arriving nance operations that may be necessary in particular cases (e.g. empty-from a timer it is possible to vary the setpoint from SP to P1 to supply ing the system to put it away during a period of inactivity).irrigation; ...These signals entering or leaving the system are managed by an I/O 10.1 - Accessory toolcontrol unit that can be bought separately from the DAB catalogue. With the product DAB supplies an accessory tool that is useful for carry- ing out the operations contemplated on the system during installation and any special maintenance operations. The tool is housed in the technical compartment. It is composed of 3 keys: 1 - metal key with a hexagonal section (Fig.24 – 1); 2 - flat plastic key (Fig.24 – 2); 3 - cylindrical plastic key (Fig.17 – 3). Key “1” is in turn inserted in the end “D” of key “3”. At the first use you must separate the 2 plastic keys “2” and ”3”, which are supplied joined by a bridge (Fig.24 – A): break the bridge “A”, taking care to remove the cutting residue from the 2 keys so as not to leave any sharp bits that could cause injuries. 107

E.sybox is the most evolved ergonomic system in the world. (and many others) can be set by the installer/user. For the definition of the parameters SP and RP, the pressure at which the system starts has the value. E.sybox is already set up for installation hanging on. May 30, 2014  E.sybox configuration Starting, switch on and off, how to enter in the installer menu, how to change the set point pressure, how to enter in the user menu, h.

Dab E Sybox Mini User Manual English

GB ENGLISH B 3D To use the cross key you must put the unused key “1” away in F a safe place so that it does not get lost, or else put it back in its seat inside key “3” at the end of operations. EA 2 1 Use of end “C”: C this is practically a straight tip screwdriver of the correct size for ma- Figure 24 noeuvring the caps of the main connections of the system (1” Use the key “1” for the orientation of the and 1”1/4). To be used at the first interface panel as described in par 4.2. If installation to remove the caps the key is lost or damaged, the operation from the mouths on which you can be done using a standard 2mm allen want to connect the system; for wrench. the filling operation in the case of horizontal installation; to access Once the 2 plastic keys have been separat- the non-return valve, … If the ed they can be used by inserting “2” in one key is lost or damaged, the same of the holes “B” in key “3”: whichever hole is operations can be performed most convenient, depending on the opera- using a straight tip screwdriver of tion. At this point you obtain a multifunction a suitable size. cross key, with a use corresponding to each of the 4 ends. Figure 26 Use of end “D”: hexagonal socket head suitable for removing the cap to perform filling in the case of vertical installation. If the key is lost or damaged, the same. Figure 25108 Figura 27

Use of end “E”: ENGLISH GBthis is practically a straight tip screwdriverof the correct size for manoeuvring the Though essentially drained, the system is unable to expel allmotor shaft access cap and, if the inter- the water that it contains.face for quick connection of the system During handling of the system after emptying it, some smallhas been installed (par. 15.3), for access amounts of water may probably leak out from the system.to the key for disengaging the connec-tion. If the key is lost or damaged, the 10.3 - Non-return valvesame operations can be performed usinga straight tip screwdriver of a suitable The system has an integrated non-return valve which is necessary forsize. correct operation. The presence of solid bodies or sand in the water could cause malfunctioning of the valve and therefore of the system. AlthoughUse of end “F”: Figura 28 it is recommended to use fresh water and eventually fit filters on input, if you notice abnormal operation of the non-return valve it can be extractedthe function of this tool is dedicated to maintenance of the non-return from the system and cleaned and/or replaced by proceeding as follows:valve and it is better described in the respective paragraph 10.3. 1- remove the valve access cap (Fig.29); 2- insert the accessory cross key in end “F” (par. 10.1) so as to10.2 - Emptying the system catch the perforated tab with the hooks (Fig.29); 3- extract without rotating: the operation may require a certainIf you want to drain the water out of the system, proceed as follows: effort. A cartridge is extracted which also holds the valve to be 1 - disconnect the power supply; serviced. The cartridge remains on the key (Fig.29); 2 - turn on the delivery tap closes to the system so as to remove 4- disengage the cartridge from the key: the hooks are released pressure from the system and empty it as much as possible; by pushing the cartridge and the key against each other, at this 3 - if there is a check valve immediately downstream from the sys- point slip the cartridge off the side (Fig.29); tem (always recommended), close it so as not to let out the water 5- clean the valve under running water, ensure that it is not dam- that is in the plant between the system and the first turned on tap; aged and replace it if necessary; 4 - interrupt the suction pipe in the point closest to the system 6- put the complete cartridge back in its seat: the operation (it is always recommended to have a check valve immediately requires the force necessary to compress the 2 O-rings. If neces- upstream from the system) so as not to drain the whole suction sary, use end “D” of the cross key to help you push. Do not use system; end “F” or the hooks will again engage the tab of the cartridge 5 - remove the drainage cap (fig.1 face E) and let out the water and it will be impossible to release them (Fig.29); inside (about 2.5 litres); 7- Screw on the cap till snug: if the cartridge has not been 6 - the water that is trapped in the delivery system downstream pushed correctly in place, screwing on the cap will complete its from the non-return valve integrated in the system can flow out at positioning (Fig.29). the time of disconnecting the system, or on removing the cap of the second delivery (if not used). 109

GB ENGLISH tool rather than the cartridge. If the key is lost or damaged, the same operation can be performed with pliers. 12 Should one or more O-rings be lost or damaged during maintenance operations on the non-return valve, they must be 34 replaced. Otherwise the system might not work correctly. 56 10.4 - Motor shaft Figura 29 The electronic control of the system ensures smooth starts so as to avoid Due to the cartridge remaining in its seat for a long time and/ excessive stress on the mechanical parts and thus prolong the life of the or to the presence of sediment, the force needed to extract the product. In exceptional cases this characteristic could cause problems cartridge might be such as to damage the accessory tool. In in starting the pump: after a period of inactivity, perhaps with the system110 this case it is intentional, because it is preferable to damage the drained, the salts dissolved in the water could have settled and formed calcification between the moving part (motor shaft) and the fixed part of the pump, thus increasing the resistance on starting. In this case it may be sufficient to help the motor shaft by hand to detach itself from the calcifications. In this system the operation is possible because access to the motor shaft from outside is guaranteed and a groove is provided at the end of the shaft. Proceed as follows: 1- remove the motor shaft access cap as in Fig.29; 2- insert a straight tip screwdriver in the groove on the motor shaft and manoeuvre, turning in 2 directions; 3- if it turns freely, the system can be started; 4- if rotation is blocked it cannot be removed by hand, call the assistance service. 10.5 - Expansion Vessel See paragraph 1.2 for the operations to check and adjust the air pressure in the expansion vessel and to replace it if it is broken.

ENGLISH GB11 - TROUBLESHOOTING 1. As the suction depth increases Before starting to look for faults it is necessary to disconnect the power supply to the pump (take the plug out of the socket). the hydraulic performance of the product decreases (De-Solving typical problems scription of the Electropump).Fault LED Probable Causes Remedies Insufficient Red: off 1. Suction depth too Check whether the suction delivery White: on high. depth can be reduced. Use Blue: off a suction pipe with a larger 2. Suction pipe diameter (but never smaller clogged or diam- than 1”). eter insufficient. 2. Check the suction pipe, find the cause of choking (obstruction, 3. Impeller or hydrau- dry bend, counterslope, …) and lic part clogged.The pump Red: off Check whether there is voltage remove it.does not White: off in the socket and insert the plugstart. Blue: off No electric power. again. 3. Dismantle the system and remove the obstructions (as- sistance service).The pump Red: on Shaft blocked. See paragraph 16.4 (motor shaft The pump Red: off 1. Leak in the 1. Check the system, find anddoes not White: on maintenance). starts with- White: on system. eliminate the leak.start. Blue: off out utility Blue: off request. 2. Faulty non-return 2. Service the non-return valve as valve. described in par. 16.3.The pump Red: off Utility at a level higher Increase the system restarting The water Red: off Expansion vessel Check the air pressure throughdoes not White: on than the system pressure level by increasing SP or pressure White: on empty (insufficient the valve in the technical compart-start. Blue: off restarting pressure decreasing RP. when turn- Blue: off air pressure) or has ment. If water comes out when level (par. 5.2). ing on the broken diaphragm. checking, the vessel is broken: utility is not assistance service. Otherwise immediate. restore the air pressure according to the equation par. 1.2. 1. Check the system, find and 1. Leak in the eliminate the leak. When the system. 2. Dismantle the system and utility is Air pressure in the ex- TCalibrate the expansion ves-The pump Red: off 2. Impeller or hydrau- remove the obstructions (as- turned on Red: off pansion vessel higher sel pressure or configure thedoes not White: onstop. Blue: off lic part clogged. sistance service). the flow White: on than the system start- parameters SP and/or RP so as to 3. Air getting into the 3. Check the suction pipe, find falls to zero Blue: off ing pressure. satisfy the equation par.1.2. suction pipe. and eliminate the cause of air before the 4. Faulty flow sensor getting in. pump starts 4. Contact the assistance centre. 111

Dab E.sybox Mini Manual

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GB ENGLISH 1. No water. 1-2. Prime the pump and check 12 - DISPOSAL The display Red: on 2. Pump not primed. whether there is air in the pipe. This product or its parts must be disposed of in an environment-friendly manner and in compliance with the local regulations concerning the envi- shows White: on 3. Setpoint not reach- Check whether the suction or any ronment; use public or private local waste collection systems. BL Blue: off able with the set filters are blocked. 13 - GUARANTEE RM value 3. Set a RM value that allows the Any use of faulty material or manufacturing defects of the appliance will be eliminated during the guarantee period contemplated by the law in setpoint to be reached. force in the country where the product is purchased, by repair or replace- ment, as we decide. The display Red: on 1. Faulty pressure sensor. The guarantee covers all substantial defects that can be assigned to shows White: on 1. Contact the assistance centre. manufacturing faults or to the material used if the product has been used correctly, in accordance with the instructions. BP1 Blue: off The guarantee is void in the following cases: The display Red: on 1. Excessive absorp- 1. Fluid too dense. Do not use tion. the pump for fluids other than • attempts to repair the appliance, shows White: on water. • technical alterations to the appliance, 2. Pump blocked. • use of non original spare parts, OC Blue: off 2. Contact the assistance centre. • tampering. • inappropriate use, for example industrial use. The display Red: on 1. Supply voltage 1. Check the presence of the cor- Excluded from the guarantee: shows White: on too low. rect supply voltage. • parts subject to rapid wear. LP Blue: off 2. Excessive drop in 2. Check the section of the power When making a request under guarantee, apply to an authorised techni- voltage on the line. supply cables. cal assistance service, presenting proof of purchase of the product. The display Red: off One or more devices Press the + key on the device shows: White: on Press + to Blue: off have sensitive param- which we are sure has the most propagate this config eters not aligned. recent and correct configuration of the parameters.112

Dab E Sybox Mini Manual